May 30, 2008

Don't assume they know what they're doing

Friday, May 30, 2008 Posted by Ryan No comments
We have one of those Blockbuster by mail movie accounts and I've found that it's a pretty good fit. I make a long list of movies and television shows I want to watch and Blockbuster remembers it. Instead of walking slowly along the outer wall looking at every new movie and trying to decide if I'm in the mood, but maybe there's something better around the next side, I just get one in the mail from...

May 16, 2008

Taking it Back

Friday, May 16, 2008 Posted by Ryan , , , No comments
It seems so much bigger when you measure everything in pixels but I have a plan to take my back yard from meah, to, well, functional. I really need to get a "before" picture so you can see the state of the back right now. The ramshackle grape arbor and the falling down fence thing under the other...

May 8, 2008

Summer Goals

Thursday, May 08, 2008 Posted by Ryan No comments
The first 10 house projects I want to accomplish:1. Build closet organizer2. Measure and get quote on kitchen cabinets3. Hang dining room curtains4. Hang bedroom (temporary) curtains5. Scrape paint off existing kitchen cabinets6. Scrape paint off bookcase doors7. Get 2 more shelves for linen cabinet8. Replace the roof9. Draw electric circuit diagram for the house10. Have plumber replace laundry drain...